Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fourth Day

So it's Thursday and I don't go into work.  I slept in late because I went to bed late.  Yesterday was full to the brim, but a very nice day.  Woke up at 7:45 and went to work from 9:35-5:20, then went to worship band practice and then to a birthday party for a very good friend of ours and his birthday-mate, who is also a fun friend.  Such a great way to end the night.  Exhausted from the day's events, but laughing and enjoying fun games and intelligent company.  The kind of friends who talk about the transit of Venus and go to astronomy towers to watch it, and are fascinated when you tell them you got your underneath tongue cut when you were little because they are mostly all speech pathologists.

I woke up this morning around 9 and did my usual, take-my-temperature, take my thyroid pill, pee, and weigh myself routine.  (Taking my temperature is a form of natural birth control.  We use the Lady Comp.  It tells you when you're fertile and when you're not and you plan your activities accordingly.  Even though we're pregnant and clearly not in need of its services right now, I'm continuing to take my temp to stay in the routine and keep track of it.)  I checked my email, Facebook, and then watched the season finale of America's Next Top Model.  I am putting off starting to read the new book we're starting for small group.

It's called "Grace for the Good Girl".  (I can't remember from English whether you underline or quote books.  I think it's underline.  I'm not changing it.)  Intriguing title right?  I knew it would rock my world, but I didn't want to start it because I'm reluctant to change right now.  Except that I'm not.  But I am.  That battle inside that is constant, "Do I do what I know I should do?  Or do I rebel, act stubbornly, childishly?"

I want this blog to be a reflection of the Christ-good in me, not the squelching old nature that I've been rescued from.  So, I've decided to try a little harder at this blog.  To reflect the Christ-nature in me, not the old one. I will still be honest.  That's a huge goal of mine, but if I'm going to spend time writing this (reading this book, living this life), I should not give the old nature more power than it has, which is none.

So, I'm going to start reading this book now.  And setting the bar a little higher for myself.  I need to be challenged to remember that I am a New Creation and that the old was is dead and gone.  Back with more after I read the intro and first chapter.

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