Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Second Day

So does one blog everyday?  Well, here's my second post.

This blog is a reflection of my journey, so some posts won't be long, or well written.  I'm considering not proofreading some of them.  Rebel.  So my goal is to be honest.  And then look back through it and see patterns in my life/thoughts and discover more of who I am in Christ.  I feel a lot of pressure to be funny on here, or witty, or deep and profound.  But that requires so much effort, it doesn't come as naturally for me as I would like.  I fear that if I were to be a Twitterer and tweet every hour, I would appear as a high school student who's up and down and all over the place.  You surely wouldn't be able to tell I was a Christian from every single post.  In fact, I cuss a lot.  Sometimes more than others, cuss words tends to reflect my heart with Jesus.  When I'm feeling close to Him they don't even cross my mind.  When I am far from Him, they are as normal in my thoughts as regular speech.  They often come out of my mouth as well, because they are in my heart and thoughts.

So.  In summary, I am starting this blog so I can boast in my weaknesses, like Paul says to do.  Because I sure as hell don't have everything together.  Or even know what that phrase means.  BUT.  I know that I like to appear as if I have it all together.  That is a lie and does not work.  So I'll try this approach and boast in my weakness as a way to say that I need Christ even more.

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